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Showing posts with the label PPC advertising

Setup Google AdWords Shopping Campaigns

High Visibility Ads When a person is looking for a particular product online, they're most likely searching through Google's search engine. They'll occasionally find these small ads with concise but precise information available for their perusal, including the product name, price, the merchant name and the availability. Essentially, everything the potential customer needs to know in brief. It's a simple thing, there's nothing compelling about the ads themselves. It's their very high visibility that attracts the customers and could potentially make a sale. Getting Started The very first step to creating a shopping campaign is to setup an AdWords account. It is free of charge and doesn't take much time. For those who don't have an AdWords account, they can easily create it from the Google Merchant Center. They just need to click on the create account option under the AdWords tab in the Merchant Center. The user needs to provide information r

Top 5 Tips For Succeeding With Bing PPC Ads

There are many forms of traffic generation but today I want to focus on Bing PPC ads. When used correctly, this form of advertising is very powerful and scalable. However, it takes a steep and expensive learning curve. Let me teach you some tips and tricks, so that you will waste less money and gain more sales or subscribers. Tip Number One Have a daily advertising budget and plan what you are going to spend. You need to workout what you can afford, otherwise you will end up spending way too much money with Bing PPC ads. I suggest that you start with a smaller budget and then increase it as you see a good ROI (return on investment). Many people get frustrated and overwhelmed when they start with a high daily budget. You won't be able to track or test properly and your ad spend will quickly spiral out of control, so start small and increase gradually. Tip Number Two It's very important that you split test your ads. You should have two or three different ad copies runnin